Dear Carolina Community,
As we enter a new academic semester, we are writing to remind students, faculty and staff of their responsibility to promptly report any suspected criminal activity. Protecting the safety and well-being of our campus community is a critical priority for our University.
Reporting crimes and other concerning behavior
We are committed to preventing, responding to and accurately reporting crimes. There are several options to report suspected criminal activity – either directly or anonymously – with protection from retaliation or intimidation.
The following are examples of ways you and others who are learning, working, volunteering or visiting on campus can report emergencies, suspected crimes, concerning behavior and activity, and other misconduct:
- UNC Police: In an emergency, call 911. To report potential criminal or suspicious activity, look for a UNC Police officer on patrol or go to the Public Safety Building at 285 Manning Drive. For routine, non-emergency calls, please call 919-962-8100. UNC Police can assist in contacting other law enforcement agencies and determining which one has proper jurisdiction.
- Carolina Ready Safety App: This comprehensive mobile tool offers multiple ways for users to report suspected crimes or suspicious activity. Features include Mobile BlueLight to place an emergency call to UNC 911 dispatch and identify your location; Report a Tip to share information with UNC Police through a phone call or the app, including options to remain anonymous; and Take Action Guides to access tips and guidance on how to prepare for various situations before an emergency occurs. To download the app, visit the Campus Safety website.
- Anonymously report a crime online or by phone: To report suspected criminal activity confidentially as a UNC Silent Witness, you may use this online form, or call 919-942-7515 to report information about a crime anonymously to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro-UNC Police CrimeStoppers.
- Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office: Campus community members may contact this office to report discrimination and harassment based on protected status including age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation and veteran status. The office also addresses reports of workplace violence and sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, as well as relationship violence and stalking. More information is available on the EOC website, including an online reporting form. You may also visit the Safe at UNC website for information about confidential supportive campus and community resources available to students, faculty and staff.
- Protection of minors on campus: Campus Safety coordinates the University’s efforts to protect minors younger than 18 years old who visit campus or participate in University programs. All faculty, staff, volunteers, interns, students, outside third parties and contractors who are authorized to use UNC-Chapel Hill facilities or properties must comply with our Protection of Minors on Campus Program Policy. For more information, including guidance on reporting, please visit the Protection of Minors page.
- The University enforces a key provision of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act: “An institution, or an officer, employee, or agent of an institution, may not retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or otherwise discriminate against any individual for exercising their rights or responsibilities under any provision in this section.” (CFR 668.46(m))
- The University’s Whistleblower Policy also encourages reports of possible wrongful conduct, including suspected criminal activity.
Ronette Sutton is the University’s Clery Act Compliance Coordinator. Anyone with questions about the University’s campus safety program may contact her at For additional information about the University’s Clery compliance, visit the UNC Police Clery Act page
Alert Carolina
UNC-Chapel Hill uses Alert Carolina, an emergency notification system, to communicate with students, faculty and staff, as well as visitors, local residents, parents and the news media in the event of an emergency, a dangerous situation, a Clery crime or impactful weather events. Register your cellphone to receive Alert Carolina text messages.
Community safety and partnerships
We partner with Chapel Hill Police and town officials on crime prevention, response and alerts; however, these efforts go beyond that — we must look out for one another. You can partner with us by taking simple steps like being aware of your surroundings and trusting your instincts as you navigate campus and the community.
Important safety tips:
- If you ever feel threatened or your safety is compromised, call 911.
- Know where you need to go and the safest way to get there.
- Be aware of your surroundings, including walking in well-lit areas and looking around you (rather than being absorbed in other activities).
- Walk in pairs if you can or move closer to other pedestrians if you are alone. You can also use the “Friend Walk” feature on the Carolina Ready Safety App.
- SafeWalk is a student-run, University-sponsored organization whose mission is to provide safe travel alternatives for UNC-Chapel Hill students at night. If requested, a pair of trained students employed by UNC Police will walk with you to your desired destination.
- Carry only what you need each day. Lock your residence doors and leave your belongings in a secure place.
Thank you for considering these important resources to report suspected criminal activity, be aware of Alert Carolina and stay conscious of what is happening in our community as we strive to keep our campus community safe.
Derek B. Kemp
Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Safety and Risk Management
Amy Johnson
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Becci Menghini
Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance