Preparing for Inclement Weather
Preparedness is key to minimizing the impact of severe weather.
Preparedness is key to minimizing the impact of severe weather.
Active Shooter and Critical Incident Response training customizes emergency preparedness to your workspace.
Emergency Management and Planning has introduced a new feature in the Carolina Ready Safety App called “I’m OK!” that lets users quickly notify contacts about their whereabouts and status during a campus emergency.Emergency Management and Planning has introduced a new feature in the Carolina Ready Safety App called “I’m OK!” that lets users quickly notify contacts about their whereabouts and status during a campus emergency.
With input from instructors, Campus Safety developed a preparation checklist, laid out possible emergency scenarios and more.
Be prepared to provide first aid while waiting for medically trained personnel or an ambulance.
Have enough food, water and other supplies on hand to last for several days so you can be better prepared for dealing with unexpected safety or preparedness emergencies.
Be able to safely meet your basic needs during an electrical outage.
Passersby startled by the sight of Hollywood monsters stuck around to learn how to be prepared for nearly any emergency.
At Thursday’s Zombie Preparedness Festival, Hollywood-style monsters will roam the Pit, luring unsuspecting passersby into an information fair.
Make sure everyone can receive, understand and act on information received in an emergency.