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All Risk Special Form Property Insurance

July 1, 2021

Effective July 1, 2021, all University buildings and contents will be covered for All Risk Special Form Property Insurance through the State Fire Protection Grant Fund, which is managed by the NC Department of Insurance.

Winter Weather Preparedness and Safety Tips

December 3, 2019

Although winter comes as no surprise, the snow and freezing rain can cause major disruption to services we take for granted such as roads, public transit, grocery stores and emergency services.

Bennington Presented with NCAIP Individual Excellence Award

November 11, 2019

On November 2, 2019, while attending the 78th Annual Convention of the North Carolina Association of Insurance Professionals, Robin Bennington, Risk Manager with Campus Safety and Risk Management, was presented with the Individual Excellence Award.

Mission Continuity Planning

July 16, 2019

Tar Heel Mission Ready will be the tool for campus departments to develop a plan of action to be in place prior to an unexpected or catastrophic event in order to minimize the degree of impact when such an event occurs.