Both as a matter of University policy and North Carolina state law, any member of the University Community who reasonably suspects that a Minor has experienced Child Abuse, Neglect or Violent Offense (Per G.S. 14-318.6) by a parent, guardian, caretaker, peer, non-custodial adult or Covered Program Staff member has an absolute obligation to report that suspicion to:
- the UNC-CH Police Department; and
- the UNC-CH Protection of Minors Coordinator.
Such individuals are known as “Mandated Reporters.”
All suspected incidents of Child Abuse, Neglect or Violent Offense must be reported immediately to the UNC-CH Police Department, regardless of the residence of the Minor involved or the suspected perpetrator. To make a report:
- Emergencies or non-emergency criminal violations dial: 911
- Non-emergencies dial: 919-962-8100 or 919-962-6565
All incidents involving minors must be reported to the Protection of Minors on Campus Unit. This includes:
- maltreatment (physical, emotional, and sexual)
- harassment
- bullying
- peer relationship violence
- medical
- injuries
- mental health concerns
- incidents of conduct violations
Reports to the Protection of Minors on Campus Unit can be made as follows:
- By phone at 919-843-8995
- By email at
- Online:
S.534, or The Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017The law expands existing mandated reporting laws to all youth sport organizations that participate in international and inter-state sporting events. Any adult who is authorized to interact with youth athletes will be required to report suspicions of abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies within 24 hours. Therefore, all staff and volunteers working with youth could be considered mandatory reporters under the federal act.
There is an additional requirement to report suspicions to the U.S. Center for Safe Sport if your organization is governed by a “National Governing Body” or “Paralympic Sports Organization”.
In addition to notifying the Orange County DSS and the Protection of Minors Unit, the reporting party also must notify one of the following offices:
- For instances involving alleged sexual misconduct, harassment or assault, the University’s Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC) at 919-966-3576.
- For instances involving any other forms of alleged inappropriate behavior or misconduct by a member of the University Community, the University’s Employee and Management Relations unit of the Office of Human Resources at 919-843-3444.