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Risk Assessments for Campus Units

With our large, decentralized organization, each campus unit has unique risks. We work with units in a proactive fashion, helping to identify and assess the risks that are specific to them. Once identified, we determine the most responsible and cost-effective ways to manage these risks. The risk management techniques we use include any combination of risk prevention, risk acceptance, risk avoidance or risk transfer strategies. Although departments each have unique risks, we attempt to avoid a silo approach to risk management where each department remains isolated to what the rest of the campus is doing. Accordingly, we institutionalize our risk management programs so that the entire campus takes ownership and shares a consistent risk profile. This ownership and consistency brings greater transparency to our stakeholders.

Risk Management Reports

One of the first requirements to a successful risk management program is identifying the risks that impact our University. Risk Management Services records campus-wide risk data in our Risk Management Information Systems. The information collected in this database can be a valuable resource to your department. With it, you can identify loss tends, perform cost-benefit analysis for your department’s risks, benchmark your loss progress, track insurance values and calculate your “Cost of Risk.”