Protection of Minors on Campus Policy
Examines the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s policy on the Protection of Minors and its application to programs and events serving minors on campus.
Who is required to take this training?
All program directors, anyone who is serving minors, and anyone who is interested in directing a program or serving minors in UNC-Chapel Hill facilities and/or on UNC-Chapel Hill properties or conducting online programming.
Recommendations and Strategies for Working with Minors
Discover strategies and recommended best practices and apply policy guidelines for working with minors.
Who is required to take this training?
All program directors, anyone who is serving minors, and anyone who is interested in directing a program or serving minors in UNC-Chapel Hill facilities or on UNC-Chapel Hill properties or conducting online programming. It is recommended that all program staff, or anyone who is in direct contact with minors in programs or events take this training.
Indicators of Child Abuse or Neglect Training
Recognize the signs that may signal child abuse or neglect and learn what to do if you suspect a child is being abused or neglected.
Who is required to take this training?
Anyone who will have contact with minors on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, or its facilities or properties, or conducting online programming, by policy, must take this training. All UNC-Chapel Hill community members are, by law, mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse, therefore, should take this training.
Peer-on-Peer Abuse
Learn what is peer-on-peer abuse and who are vulnerable groups, how to recognize the signs, and ways to reduce abuse.
Who is required to take this training?
All program directors, anyone who is serving minors, and anyone who is interested in directing a program or serving minors in UNC-Chapel Hill facilities or on UNC-Chapel Hill properties or conducting online programming. It is recommended that all program staff, or anyone who is in direct contact with minors in programs or events take this training.
Emergency or Dangerous Situations Training
Identify, classify, and learn how to respond to emergency and dangerous situations.
Who is required to take this training?
Anyone who will have direct supervision of minors on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, or its facilities or properties, by policy, must take this training.
Guidelines for Working with Minors Online
Learn to identify risks to safeguard children and protect program staff while delivering programs online, to recognize acceptable/unacceptable behavior and to identify ways to report concerns about content or contact.
Who is required to take this training?
Anyone who will have contact with minors on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, or its facilities or properties, or conducting online programming, by policy, must take this training.