General Preparedness
Make sure to familiarize yourself with:
- Your office, workspace and/or classrooms
- Identify the location of the closest emergency equipment (fire extinguishers, automated external defibrillators (AEDs), first aid kits, etc.)
- Identify two emergency exit routes out of the office, workspace, classrooms or other areas you frequent.
- The University’s Emergency Action Plan
- Your building’s emergency action plan
- Your department’s continuity of operations plan
Print the Emergency Procedures Poster, a quick reference of key actions for particular scenarios, and post it near your workstation and/or office suite.
Be Prepared to Act
Safety is the highest priority. Knowing what to do in an emergency is critical to your safety:
- If you discover an emergency situation or observe something suspicious, call 911
- If you are assigned emergency response duties, execute your responsibilities
- Depending on the situation, evacuate or shelter-in-place. Absent official instructions, use your best judgment
- Protect yourself. Do not jeopardize yourself or others attempting to save property
- Assist others, but do not exceed your training or knowledge rendering first aid
- If you are a designated employee for your unit, be ready to support continuity operations
Be Informed
Having access to accurate information about impending or actual threats or emergencies can mean the difference between life and death. Spend time reviewing this website and other university safety resources.
Emergency Notification
The University utilizes multiple redundant tools to alert the community to an emergency as quickly as possible. Emergency alerts are reserved for critical incidents that pose an imminent threat to the health and safety of the University community. Faculty and staff may be alerted in several ways:
- Fire Alarm
- Siren
- Alert Carolina – distributes SMS text message or email. Faculty and staff can visit the Onyen Services page and select Update AlertCarolina Number.
- University e-mail
- Mobile Safety Application – The mobile applications CarolinaGO and Carolina Safety App receive Alert Carolina messages.
- Digital screens across campus
- Alertus Desktop notification – Requires installation and connection to the University network (wired, wireless, VPN).
- The University’s emergency website
Situation Updates
The official source for the most current and detailed information is the emergency website.